Saturday, November 27, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes... A kiddie update

Nikhil is coming along really well with his "schoolwork" (pre-Kindergarten activity books). Today we were learning about opposites, and one of the examples was a pretty princess and an ugly witch. Out of the blue, Nikhil says "Mommy, if you eat all your food, you'll grow up into a pretty lady one day." Amused, I asked him what I am now, ugly or pretty? "Not ugly, and not pretty, just nice." Not so amused anymore.

I asked him if Ariane is pretty, and he confidently said yes. So I asked who else is pretty? "Malissa is pretty! One day, when you're pretty like Malissa, I'll say, Oh I love you Mommy!"
The funniest part was watching Brad trying to salvage my feelings.

Ariane is saying a few more words, like Duck (she really does love birds), and G'bye. She's started biting Nikhil, though. If he has something she wants, she bites him. If he takes something she has, she bites him. If I take something away from her, she bites Nikhil!

In happier news, Nikhil's verbal skills are progressing quite gratifyingly. Today he told me, "When Ariane grows up into a lady she won't bite me anymore. But at the moment, she's still a baby, and she doesn't know any better." I was quite impressed - I certainly didn't tell him that. He's still trying to figure out exactly what a husband is, though. Today he told me he was going to the park with his husband - being Brad.

We took the kids to Toys R Us because Nikhil wouldn't stop asking for a lawnmower to "lawn the mow". We found a cute one that blows bubbles, but he only wanted the one with a choke to start the motor. He threw one of those "Whose kid is that?" tantrums because we wouldn't buy him a huge motorised tractor, and then he saw the golf clubs... In the end, we gave him a choice between the golf clubs, the lawnmower and a tricycle (because Ariane was getting a ride-on), and he chose the golf clubs. He LOVES golf - on the way home he told us all about how his grandfather taught him how to play golf but he's in South Africa now...

Anyway, it didn't stop him crying for the lawnmower once we got home. Or fighting with Ariane over the ride-on. That's a lesson in making choices and living with the consequences.

We're still waiting patiently for the day the kids can put themselves to bed and sleep through the night. At 14 months and nearly 3 years old, I fear we may have missed our window of opportunity...

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